Para-Site Pavillion
With the experience accumulated in recent years ADDA proposed to ELISAVA School of design and engineering, the design and the manufacture of a True scale prototype to demonstrate the interest on responsive architecture.
At ADDA we have worked on the design of a physical system (phenotype) capable of underpinning the various configurations. However, we have also worked on the design of a digital process (genotype) which allows us to formalise the multiple spatial requirements. The physical system (phenotype) bases formal structure on elastic deformation. Consequently, the system is not mechanical, operating with universal joints. Instead, it bases its behaviour on elastic properties and the continuity of materials, such as polymers and fibre composites.
To sum up, we can say that we are learning to view what we design as a living system, with the ability to react to an also living environment and adapt to it. Consequently, we can think about designs that feel, observe, listen, react, propose, learn and interact.