Tembo BCN Suites, comencen les obres de construccio. 4 Setembre 2020.
Despres de molts esforcos i un llarg recorregut, comença la construccio de BCN Suites Port Forum Barcelona, a la zona Diagonal Mar....
Tembo Suites Port Forum a la Vanguardia Digital Newspaper. febrer 2020.
L’Ajuntament de Sant Adrià del Besos concedeix la Llicencia urbanística per a la construcció d’un nou Hotel-Apartament al Port Fòrum....
Tembo Suites and Apartments a Area Besos Digital Newspaper.19 Novembre 2019.
L’Ajuntament de Sant Adrià del Besos concedeix la Llicencia urbanística per a la construcció d’un nou Hotel-Apartament al Port Fòrum....
Tembo BCN Suites. Port Forum Barcelona atrium overview, HYBRIDa Architecture.04 Abril 2019.
We are extremely happy to announce the concession of the Urbanistic license for the construction of the new aparthotel Tembo Suites &...
HYBRIDa + aZCON Guanyadors de Tembo BCN Suites Port Forum Barcelona. 28 Maig 2019.
Molt contents d'anunciar que l'equip format per HYBRIDA (Jordi Truco, Sylvia Felipe), AZCON (Antonio Sanmartin) hem guanyat el concurs...
Jordi Truco, HYBRIDa lecture at Architectural Association. 25 November 2015
Architectural Association, Em Tech Lecture Series Biomimetic Architecture, Lecture by Jordi Truco and Sylvia Felipe. HYBRIDa.
Last 2 of November
After a failed collaboration with TemmeObermaier and IASO. BuildAir, an already partner of the consortium, Specialized in lightweight...
Last 28 November
Master ADDA Final Review of Integral Envelopes Studio Last Friday we had Final Review of Integral Envelopes Studio with the guest...
Sylvia Felipe and Jordi Truco lecture at Architectural Association the Next 5 November
Architectural Association, Main Hall Time based formation through material intelligence. lecture by Jordi Truco and Sylvia Felipe, HYBRIDa
Next 17 July
Final Review of the ADDA Master in Advenced design and Digital Architecture. Elisava, Escola de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona more at...